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3 Bible Studies on Faith

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I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief! – Father of a possessed boy, Mark 9.24

Many of us could echo this sentiment of the father from Mark chapter 9. Doubt often means asking questions or being uncertain regarding issues of faith. You believe – but you have difficulties with that faith, or are worried about it in some way. Faith and doubt aren’t mutually exclusive – but faith and unbelief are. Doubt is probably a permanent feature of the Christian life. It’s like some kind of spiritual growing pain. Sometimes it recedes into the background; at other times it comes to the forefront, making its presence felt with a vengeance.

So how do we combat doubt and overcome unbelief? As Rick Warren says, we need to work out our faith like a muscle. Here are three helpful small group studies that will encourage you on your journey to a strong and growing faith.

1. The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel

In this six-session study, former atheist Lee Strobel explores the most common emotional obstacles to faith in Jesus. Among these are the natural inclination to wrestle with faith, the persistent presence of evil and suffering, and the supposed “narrowness” of Christianity. Strobel also looks at the important question, “Can I doubt and still be a Christian?” This study can lead you and your group to overcome these and other obstacles, deepen your spiritual convictions, and find new confidence in Christ. Watch the trailer:

2. Everything is Possible with God by Rick Warren

Would you like your faith to be stronger? That’s what this study is about. According to Rick Warren, faith is like a muscle. It needs to be exercised and developed. God uses a predictable pattern and process to build your faith. It’s what Warren calls the “six phases of faith”. Understanding these will help you cooperate with God in the process of strengthening your faith and building your character. Jesus said, “according to your faith, will it be done to you” (Mt. 9.29). God has a plan and purpose for your life and he always keeps his promises. Watch the trailer below and the first full session on YouTube here.

3. Five Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith by Andy Stanley

Imagine how different your outlook on life would be if you had absolute confidence that God was with you. Imagine how differently you would respond to difficulties, temptations, and even good things if you knew with certainty that God was in all of it and was planning to leverage it for good. In other words, imagine what it would be like to have perfect faith. In this study, Andy Stanley show you five things he has noticed God use to grow big faith. Watch the trailer below and the first full session on YouTube here.

Join the Conversation

Do you ever feel uncertain when talking about your faith? How do you keep your faith sharp so it’s there the next time you need to lean on it for strength? Share your thoughts with us below!