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Picking Out Her First “Big Girl” Bible

girl reading the bible,Button Bible,simply charming bible

My eldest daughter, Piper, is turning nine this month. Her birthday wish list is pretty typical for girls her age – things like a new backpack, some headbands, a board game she was introduced to at a friend’s house, and a new video game that necessitates dancing.

She’s also quick to talk about how this is her last year living in single digits, and we should probably throw her a proper birthday party or something, complete with balloons that float in their air on their own.

As I was getting ready to do some birthday shopping for her, one item on her birthday list stood out and surprised me. In fact, this little request on her list had me overwhelmed with pride and I might have even shed a tear or two. (Look away, I have something in my eye).

She asked for a big girl Bible.

Don’t get me wrong – she’s had a storybook Bible for years now, one that was given to her as a small child when we joined our church about five year ago. But when I inquired about the Bible on the birthday list – she replied that she’s ready to have a “Bible like mom and dad”.

Tears, there they go again…

Piper’s an avid reader, and looking back I should have realized long ago that she was due for an upgraded version of the big book.

I’ve noticed these emerging signs that she’s been ready for a more mature Bible for months:

  • Her Sunday School at church has been assigning weekly memory verses and she’s been asking to borrow my Bible so she can look them up and copy them down in a notebook.
  • Each morning, she wakes up and the first thing she sees is my husband doing his daily quiet time at the dining room table. Something tells me his devotional habit has rubbed off on her and she wants to be just like her daddy.
  • She shares the Bible she currently has with her younger sister. She’s mentioned that she wishes she could add bookmarks and notes in her favorite stories, but she knows her sister would just take them out.

As I excitedly started researching youth Bibles, I quickly realized how many different choices there are… girl Bibles, boy Bibles, adventure Bibles and study Bibles!

I ended up deciding on the NKJV Button Bible from Tommy Nelson, and I know she’s going to love it. It has a super-fun totally girly cover, will fit into the activity bag she takes with her to Church, has a few graphics (but not too many) within the pages, and is totally age appropriate for a nine-year old girl.

Watching my kids mature spiritually has been one of the greatest joys of my life and gifting her this Bible for her birthday is a true milestone in both of our lives. I pray it serves her well, and that she never stops seeking out God’s words and all of his beautiful promises.

Your Turn

Do you remember your children making the leap into their first big kid Bible? What did you look for in making your selection?