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The God Who Sees: Worshiping in the Desert

The God Who Sees: Worshiping in the Desert

Editor’s note: The God Who Sees Online Bible Study is coming soon — starting March 4th! We hope you join us as we study stories in the Bible (David, Hagar, Ruth and Boaz, Mary Magdalene) that remind us that God sees us, is faithfully watching over us, and is with us to help us fulfill His direction in our lives. Sign up today!


When we are in the desert, what is it we think about? The desert. We think about our depression, anxiety, and fears. We focus on our trials, struggles, and challenges. We think about the desolation and wilderness we see around us because it is all we can see.

When Hagar found herself in a desert for the second time, in a barren landscape with no water, her focus was on her life-threatening plight and the seemingly hopeless situation for herself and her son.

But God changed Hagar’s focus. The Bible says that He “opened her eyes” and showed her a well just off in the distance filled with life-saving water.

This is what worship does for us in the desert. It opens our eyes to something greater than the desolation before us. It

  • reminds us of who God is and that He is near. It takes our focus off ourselves so we can drink from the well of living water.

Of course, worshiping in the desert is not our natural inclination. It requires effort to shift our focus. But when we do, we provide space for God to move. We allow our imaginations to explore the possibility that things could get better. We start to believe we are not doomed to die in the desert.

The desert is anything but desolate. It is the place where God often chooses to meet with us, speak to us, and begin something new in us. Even if you don’t know why you are in the desert — even if you are not seeing any growth or don’t sense that you are hearing God’s voice — worship still serves as a reminder that something is happening beneath the surface. God is at work in your desert. Worship might be just what your heart needs to stay attuned to His voice.

Read Habakkuk 3:17-19


  • Habakkuk was a prophet in the Old Testament who was active sometime around 607 BC, during the reign of King Jehoiakim of Judah.1 In his book, he asks why God would allow the nation to grow evil under the leadership of this king and why he would allow the Babylonians to conquer Judah. For much of the book, Habakkuk laments the fate of his people, but by chapter 3, he remembers who God is and begins to worship. How does Habakkuk describe the landscape around him? How does he describe God?
  • What does Habakkuk compare himself to in this passage? What does this tell us about how worship affects him?
  • Think about the last time you truly worshiped God. This could be at your church, in your home, or anywhere you felt connected to God. How did this time in worship impact you? How did it make you feel about whatever you were facing at the time?
  • In your current season, what are some things (if any) that keep you from worshiping God? How could you worship God today, even if you are in the wilderness?


Spend time today just worshiping God. Thank Him for what He has done. Name His attributes: good, kind, strong, Father. If you’re able, assume a posture of worship by kneeling, or raising your hands, or whatever helps you feel less distracted and able to worship Him.

1.“Habakkuk 1—The Prophet’s Problem,” Enduring Word,

Excerpted with permission from The God Who Sees Study Guide, copyright Kathie Lee Gifford.

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Your Turn

Are you in the wilderness right now? Do you wonder if God is doing anything, or if He even sees you and your circumstances? He does! Enter into worship. Seek His face remembering all that He has done in the past for you and for the Family of God. Praise Him as you recall His goodness and faithfulness. And, join us for The God Who Sees! Register now. ~ Devotionals Daily