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Creative Ideas to Teach Children the Power of God’s Word

Creative Ideas to Teach Children the Power of God’s Word

In recent weeks, one of my pastors told the story of a scary encounter he and his 6-year-old son experienced. The little boy looked up at his father and said, “Dad, we don’t have to be scared. We have Jesus.” Somehow, he knew this from the bottom of his heart and the thought came to him in time of crisis. How did he know this? Because he had been taught that the Name of Jesus is powerful and so is His Word!

Little ones can begin to understand the power of God’s Word as we teach them God’s promises and apply them in our daily lives. Let’s take a look at a few practical ways we can do just that!

Children can experience the power of God’s Word through encouraging others.

Therefore encourage one another with these words. — I Thesselonians 4:18

Are you taking a meal to a sick friend? Look up a Bible verse to encourage this friend together with your child. Have your child handwrite the verse on a card and add it to the bag or box of goodies for your friend.

Writing a thank-you note to a teacher? Add a Bible verse about giving thanks and discuss how this verse will encourage your child’s teacher.

Sending a birthday card? Create a pretty 3×5 card of the birthday person’s favorite verse.

Children can begin to comprehend the power of God’s Word through the example of their parents.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. — Ephesians 6:4

Children see the power of God’s Word in our lives when our natural responses of frustration or over-reaction are replaced with supernatural responses. When moments causing anger are filled with love, children see the Word of God living through their parents.

To help your child make the connection between your reactions and God’s Word, take these opportunities in everyday life to recall your favorite Bible stories. Begin telling your child the Bible story you’re thinking of and pause to find the location of the Bible story in God’s Word. For example, once when I avoided an issue that could have made me angry, I mentioned to my son, “There’s a man in the Bible who could have gotten angry too. But he didn’t. He chose to forgive instead.” (Luke 15:11-32)

Children can see the power of God’s Word through visual reminders.

Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. — Deuteronomy 6:9

I know a mom who loves to put post-it notes with Bible verses on the bathroom mirrors. On my kitchen windowsill, I have a small chalkboard and I often write verses on this board. My children notice this board and ask about the verses and their meaning. It’s a wonderful way to introduce them to how God is working through His word in my own life! Lately God has been working in my personal Bible study time through Bible journaling. My children have been looking through my Bibles more than they ever have; they are so interested in how I am art journaling to highlight what God is teaching me. This has been a beautiful example of the power of God’s Word!

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Your Turn

Which of these ways inspires you to teach your little ones the power of God’s Word? Join the conversation on our blog! We want to hear from you!