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Romans: In the Grip of Grace Online Bible Study Week Four — The Story We’ve Joined

Romans: In the Grip of Grace Online Bible Study Week Four — The Story We’ve Joined

[God’s grace] does not… depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. — Romans 9:16

Hey, friends! We’re in week four of the Romans: In the Grip of Grace OBS and grace is still ours. Grace has always been here for us. It predates even creation. We were born into a world of chaos under the power (for now) of the enemy, but completely under God’s control and His grace.

God’s chosen people were the ones blessed to trumpet the story of God’s grace. Fallen people just like us, messy just like us. God’s character never changes, so even though every generation from the very beginning was just as challenged and challenging as we are, His grace has always abounded!

His mercy is unending. Jew or Gentile.

We are chosen for a purpose just as the Israelite’s were. We are God’s people for a reason: to display His glory through our messy stories. We mess up… He saves. We need Him… He delivers. We can’t meet the standard of holiness… Jesus meets it in our stead.

Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. — Romans 10:4

We’re on a level playing field with all of history. We all, even those not born into the bloodline or tribe of His chosen people, are welcomed into His grace should we choose it.

…salvation has come to the Gentiles. — Romans 11:11

No matter what our lives have been like, what’s in our history, what we’ve done, or what’s been done to us, we are God’s people! We’re equal. We’re loved. We’re welcome to the table. And, we’re here to shard His grace with others because we’ve received His grace!

Nobody is above anyone else. All are welcome. It’s an “all-skate”! Talk about grace!

Memory verse: Romans 10:12-13

For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile — the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

This week in your study:

  1. Then, watch the video for session four of Romans: In the Grip of Grace on our study home page and take notes in your study guide on pages 53-60 and stick around to go through the questions afterward!
  2. Grab your Bible and enjoy your personal study this week on pages 61-70.
  3. Join the conversations about this week’s teaching and get to know our community in our private Facebook group.

Scriptures this Week

Romans 9-11

Prayer for the Week

God, we love You! Thank You for Your unending grace. Thank You that we are equal to everyone else and we don’t have to compare or be compared. Thank You that we’re forgiven and we can forgive. Thank You that we receive grace and can give grace. Thank You that You saved us, love us, and have plans for us! We love You! Amen.