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So, Why Not You?

So, Why Not You?
Now go! I will help you speak, and I will teach you what to say.”

But Moses said, “Please, Lord, send someone else.” — Exodus 4:11-13, NCV

Moses was known and protected by God even before the day his mother set her infant son adrift in a basket on the Nile River. Miriam, his sister looked on and witnessed the rescue of baby Moses by Pharaoh’s daughter. From then on, Moses was raised as royalty. You could say he had quite a divine start. With that kind of back story, you might imagine Moses would have great confidence in God and simply trust that God could do anything.

You may not have been rescued from a river in a basket of reeds and raised in royalty, but God knew you too, right from the beginning. He knew a day would come when He would call you into the amazing work He designed you to do.

So, what about Moses?

Even though Moses had conversations with God, (you might recall the burning bush), and He had demonstrations of God’s great power and abilities, Moses still had doubts about whether he was the right person for the job. Even after God said, “I will teach you what to say,” Moses still replied, “Send someone else.”

Wow! Who does that? Perhaps you and I do that all the time. Perhaps doubt gets in the way of things God intends for you to accomplish. Self-doubt becomes an overwhelming obstacle and limits your possibilities. You start to question. “Why me?” God answers, “Why not you?”

Moses had plenty of excuses. After all, he was getting up in years about the time this scripture conversation took place. He had spoken to God face-to-Face, had experienced the impossible phenomenon of the “burning bush” and yet he still had doubts about himself. He couldn’t trust God’s plan. He thought it would be better if God simply sent someone else.

Turning to your own story then, it might be helpful to look at what causes you to doubt God’s plans and direction for your life. If you’re stepping back from your calling out of fear, imagining that you’re just not equipped for the job, God may well be whispering, “Why not you? I will teach you what to say.”

When you embrace life in all its bigness and scariness and hopefulness, you’ve got to race past your own fears and doubts. You’ve got to stop saying, “Send someone else,” and realize that God is more than happy to send you. He signed on with you when you accepted His Son, and He’s been watching over you ever since. He knows what you can do, and what you have to learn, but He will teach you anything you need to know.

Moses stepped up to the job and God was with him the whole way. Moses finally accepted his mission and God’s plan.

Do you believe you have a purpose, a call that was uniquely designed for you? Are you ready to let God know you’re willing to serve Him now? Do you trust that with God by your side, you can accomplish great, even impossible, things?

You can give God your excuses if you must, but you already know they won’t hold up. After all, with God, all things are possible.

Written for Faith.Full by Karen Moore, author of It’s Still Possible.

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Your Turn

Are you arguing with God because you feel unqualified, unable, too this or not enough that? Don’t let self-doubt sideline you from being used by God in ways you never could have imagined! Instead of asking Why me? start asking Why not me? Come share your thoughts with us on our blog. We want to hear from you! ~ Laurie McClure, Faith.Full