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Strong: Embracing a Woman's Nature

Strong: Embracing a Woman's Nature

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. — Ephesians 4:15

As women, our very nature and physical design are set up with nurture and tenderness in mind. We are not constructed with hard edges but gentle curves. We were created with a greater capacity for tenderness and compassion than men. We feel both love and pain deeper within our being. We are more empathetic than males and can be moved to tears over the pain, struggles, and losses of total strangers. When we are not allowed to express these emotions in a valid way, we run the risk of exploding either outwardly or inwardly.

What happens when we explode? Two of my least favorite Scriptures tell us how it plays out in the context of a marriage. This was often quoted to me in my newlywed days:

Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife. — Proverbs 25:24

Or the other even less attractive version:

Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife. — Proverbs 21:19

Ouch. Life on the corner of a roof would mean being exposed to the extremes of all the elements. The roof provides no shelter from rain, snow, wind, or the harsh sun. Solomon was telling us it is better to live under these conditions than shelter in a house with a quarrelsome woman. I used to argue with my husband, John, that back then they used the roof as a type of alternative to the porch, but I found the reemphasis of this Scripture hard to explain away. Better to live in the desert or wilderness with the serpents and scorpions than with an angry, grumpy, and argumentative woman.

Warring becomes wearing… not only on others but also on ourselves.

Women are created to be healthy and passionate, loving and compassionate.

When we go against our original design or purpose for creation, we actually war physically against our bodies. We violate the life-giving, strengthening, and supportive role in our lives. Women can fulfill this role whether they are married or single.

When we are tempted to bottle up our thoughts and emotions to the point of explosion, let us remember that this doesn’t do anyone any good. It doesn’t save us from conflict; it only results in an internal ill-temper that hurts us and everyone around us. Let us speak the truth in love, in a manner that can be heard, and live in harmony with the healthy, passionate, loving nature we were given by God.

Lord, give me an accurate vision of my nature as a woman. Teach me to be gentle, yet strong, serving You and using the voice You gave me to speak the truth in love.

Excerpted with permission from Strong by Lisa Bevere, copyright Lisa Bevere.

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Your Turn

Sisters, never has there been a better message for us, right? We are strong! Strong enough to use our voices for good and be healthy, passionate, and loving as we were created to be! Come share your thoughts about embracing that strength. We want to hear from you! ~ Laurie McClure, Faith.Full