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When You Are Confused About God's Will

When You Are Confused About God's Will

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. — Joshua 1:8-9

Father, how thankful I am that You are so ready to reveal Your wonderful plan for my life. I want to obey You, Lord. I want to know Your will and fulfill the good goals You’ve set before me. Thank You for loving me so much, for giving my life purpose, and for giving me Your Word to guide me.
Lord, I confess that I am confused about what You desire me to do. I am confident You will show me, Father, because that is what You have promised me in Scripture. So I continue to listen for Your direction with persistence and faith.

I praise You for this time of waiting — even though it is difficult — because it motivates me to seek You more and increases my sensitivity to Your presence. I realize that during this time You are revealing Your ways to me, helping me to know You better, conforming me to Your wonderful character, and disciplining me so I can reach my full potential. Thank You, Father.

Please make knowing You and pursuing Your will the reason I get out of bed every morning and the focus of my life. With this in mind, I ask that You fill me with passion for Your Word, a longing to tarry with You in prayer, discernment of Your purpose in every circumstance, and wisdom in choosing godly counselors.

Father, please show me whether the desires of my heart are in keeping with Your plans for my life. If there is any way I am dishonoring You, violating Your Word, demonstrating a lack of wisdom, or behaving in a manner that doesn’t fit who You are forming me to be, please reveal it so I can confess and repent. Keep me in the center of Your will. And as I follow You in obedience step-by-step, give me Your peace that transcends understanding and Your promises in Scripture to hold on to so I can know I am still on track.

Thank You for loving me and being with me, Lord. Thank You that there is no reason to fear or continue in confusion because I trust You are leading me to the best life has to offer. I have faith that You will show me the fullness of Your will in Your time.

To You be all honor, glory, power, and praise in the seen and unseen and in what is known or unknown. You are faithful and true, and wherever You lead, I will go.

In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

Excerpted with permission from When You Don’t Know What to Pray by Charles F. Stanley, copyright Charles F. Stanley.

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Your Turn

The world is confusing. Life is confusing. We won’t always know God’s will. In prayer, in spending time in the Lord’s presence, we can be confident that He will show us. Come share your thoughts with us. We want to hear from you!