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You Are the Girl for the Job — Wrapping It Up (Or, is this is just the beginning….?)

You Are the Girl for the Job — Wrapping It Up (Or, is this is just the beginning….?)

Friends, what a study You Are the Girl for the Job has been for us!

I don’t know about you, but in this crazy time, it sometimes feels like just doing the minimum required of each day is a victory (and it is!), but the Lord created us for so much more; He’s got plans for our lives.

In this study we learned:

To quit striving, pretending, and let God be the hero.
We asked “Who are we called to serve? Who are we called to love?”
We asked “What does God want from me?”
We faced the fears that have kept us stuck.
We asked God for a fresh the vision.
And, we remembered that “because God says so” means that we are the girls for the job!

The world needs us. And, we really do want to have an impact for Christ. We want to reach the end of our lives having dared to risk, having been boldly generous with our time, energy, and resources, having been known for our fearless faith that helped others and changed lives.

Doubt is human, people sometimes come against us, and we have a rascally habit of listening to negative messages (even if we’re the ones saying them!) and sidelining ourselves.

“How can any dreams or desires God has given us come alive if they’re surrounded by fear and squashed by doubt? Things born into captivity cannot flourish.” ~ Jess Connolly

But the truth is that it doesn’t matter if we’re incapable, ill-prepared, and under-qualified for the great calling on our lives. God is the One who will do the heavy lifting! It’s not really about us anyway!

God Himself, our Father, does have what it takes. He’s ready. And He’s ready to equip stain-smeared me and fill-in-the-blank you for great things for His glory. It’s about His strength, His holiness, His goodness, His awesomeness.

Because He is good and because He is a restorer, no harm that has come your way bad decision you have made has the power to define you. ~ Jess

YOU are the girl for the job and I am the girl for the job. Through Him.

You, the broken you, the messy you, the you filled with past regrets and mistakes… you’re the girl for the job. ~ Jess

My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. — 2 Corinthians 12:9)

Jesus loves to choose the unexpected, the undeserving, the unfit, the unwell, the unacceptable, the un-everything. In the un’s HE shines! So, he calls you. He calls me. He calls her. He calls him. He calls us.

Do you know your biggest weakness? Are you prepared for the consequences of your behavior in your weak spots? Have you ever considered your weakness to be, maybe, exactly what God will use to build His Kingdom? ~ Jess

We can say with confidence that the Lord God will come through for us. Not always today and not in every battle — the enemy still rules this earth for now. But, ultimately. And, we can have the temerity, the gall, the absolute cheek to stand up as women of bold faith and say, “even if He doesn’t” (Daniel 3:18). Because we know the end of the story.

We were never meant to play nice with our fears. Since God is love and light and in Him there is no darkness at all, we must fight any ideas that challenge the truth that He is good and we can trust Him. ~ Jess

Let’s metaphorically join hands and say that fear will not hold us back from obedience.

Whatever He says to do, wherever He says to go, however He wants to spend our lives like change in His pocket, let’s say YES! Doubt won’t win, fear won’t win, confusion won’t win. Let’s ask Him for wisdom, then wait and listen, and confirm it in the Word to see if what we feel we hear matches what He’s already said. It’s right there. He won’t leave us hanging for answers.

What and why we perceive God to be saying must line up with His Word. ~ Jess

Maybe the Lord hasn’t given you direction yet. That’s ok. Keep asking. Invite mentors, pastors, teachers, and friends to speak into your life. Vision is a breath of fresh air to keep us going, to fill our sails, to remind us to find the joy in the journey, lighten up, laugh a little (or a lot), raise our hands, worship, dance, and point our faces in awe towards Him.

Because you’re His kid and He loves you, He will answer and He has a plan for your future for His glory!

You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light. — 1 Peter 2:9-10

You are the girl for the job. Because He says so. ~ Jess

The starting line to abundant mission is right where you’re at. God consistently meets ordinary people in their everyday rhythms to accomplish supernatural and eternity-shifting tasks. ~ Jess

Begin now. Five years from now, you’ll be so glad you did!

You are the girl for the job and the job is this: Living the abundant life God has crafted for you with intention, passion, and willingness to do whatever He has asked you to with a fine-tune focus on His glory. ~ Jess

Let’s do this!

(And remember: it’s okay to give yourself grace, take baby steps, and celebrate the small victories)

P.S. A little housekeeping for the study: If you’re behind, don’t worry! We’re extending everyone’s access to the videos through 11/1 so you can catch up! Join me in re-watching the lesson videos, get out your study guides and notes, and fill in any blanks you may have missed. This is the perfect time to binge-watch the whole thing again!

Your Turn

Share with us! What hopes or dreams do you have now… for a life on mission with and for God?